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Projects – Russia
Educational institutions
The building of the educational organization for 1100 places
The building of preschool groups for 350 places with a swimming pool
The building of an educational organization with 1500 seats (1225 school and 275 preschool)
The building of an educational organization (general education) for 700 seats, Severnoye Izmailovo district
Healthcare institutions
Children’s and adult polyclinic for 750 visits per shift
Adult polyclinic for 750 visits per shift with a trauma center
Children’s and adult polyclinic for 750 visits per shift, Nekrasovka district
Children’s polyclinic for 320 visits per shift
Cultural and leisure center with the demolition of the cinema “Polar”
Projects – Turkey
Okyanus Koleji Kemerburgaz
Okan Üni. Hastanesi Tuzla
Yüzyıl Hastanesi Gebze
Irak Hastane
Projects – Russia
Educational institutions
The building of the educational organization for 1100 places
The building of preschool groups for 350 places with a swimming pool
The building of an educational organization with 1500 seats (1225 school and 275 preschool)
The building of an educational organization (general education) for 700 seats, Severnoye Izmailovo district
Healthcare institutions
Children’s and adult polyclinic for 750 visits per shift
Adult polyclinic for 750 visits per shift with a trauma center
Children’s and adult polyclinic for 750 visits per shift, Nekrasovka district
Children’s polyclinic for 320 visits per shift
Cultural and leisure center with the demolition of the cinema “Polar”
Projects – Turkey
Okyanus Koleji Kemerburgaz
Okan Üni. Hastanesi Tuzla
Yüzyıl Hastanesi Gebze
Irak Hastane
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